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SkyScan Weather Instruments

Xtreme Research Corporation currently has two products that function to keep the user informed during normal and extreme weather conditions. The SkyScan Atomic Clock, automatically sets itself to the correct time and date several times a day, is battery operated so it will work in a black-out situation, displays indoor ambient temperature, and has a day and date calendar. The SkyScan AM/FM Weather Band Radio, receives seven different weather band channels and AM/FM stations, has an LED flashlight, a hand-operated generator and a solar panel to recharge itself, and a digital clock. Both are perfect for athletic training rooms, locker rooms, classrooms, offices, factories and other locations that require precise timing and information during extreme weather conditions.

SkyScan Atomic Wall Clock SkyScan AM/FM Weather Band Radio
Atomic Wall Clock
AM/FM Weather
Band Radio
office factory training facility classroom kitchen in home